Stress Less, Look More: The Connection Between Stress and Skin Health

Maintaining good skin requires effective stress management. Stress may have a substantial negative effect on the skin, causing problems including eczema, acne, and wrinkles. Additionally, stress can aggravate current skin conditions and make them more challenging to treat.

A hormone called cortisol is produced by our bodies when we are under stress. Acne may result from an increase in oil production brought on by cortisol. Cortisol may also cause inflammation, which can make eczema and psoriasis worse.

Wrinkles and fine lines may also be caused by stress. Our bodies manufacture less collagen under stress, which is necessary to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Insufficient collagen may cause the skin to sag and wrinkle.

The capacity of the skin to heal may also be diminished by stress. According to studies, stress causes our bodies to create less hyaluronic acid, which is vital for maintaining the moisture and plumpness of the skin. Skin might become dry and drab if there is not enough hyaluronic acid present.

Managing stress is important for maintaining healthy skin. Some effective ways to manage stress include:

It's also important to try and identify the source of stress and work to resolve it.
