Skincare Scholar: Dermatology Scholars (Publications) 

The discovery of new genetic mutations linked to skin cancer can improve early detection, prevention and personalized treatment for patients. Genetic testing can identify individuals at increased risk and target treatment based on the specific genetic mutations present Read more..

"A recent study published in the "Journal of Investigative Dermatology" has found that a protein called Laminin-511 plays a crucial role in the formation of skin cancer. The study found that when this protein is not present or not functioning Read more..

A new kind of medication known as Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors has been making waves in the field of skin care. These therapies have showed potential in alleviating a variety of skin disorders. Read more..

In the early 2000s, a new anti-aging therapy fad known as prejuvenation gained popularity, especially among Generation Z (Gen Z). This aging-prevention fad has been spurred by fast advances in skincare and aesthetics, as well as the advent of social media as a key source of knowledge. Read more..

Have you ever seen someone's luminous complexion and pondered about the scientific explanation behind it?   Fortunately, you are fortunate!   We are here to thoroughly analyse and examine scientific data in order to comprehend the precise factors that lead to achieving perfect skin.   Read more..

 We are providing what you requested - a more comprehensive examination of the essential components that combat acne.   Let's explore the scientific principles and practical uses of many substances, ranging from AHAs to Zinc. Read more..

You may already know the answer to why a product that's your best friend's holy grail doesn't work for you. Yes, we're talking about making changes to your skin care routine based on your genes. Read more..

To keep our skin healthy, most of us know the basics, like how to clean, moisturise, and so on. There's a lot more going on below the surface, though! Your skin is always repairing itself, growing, and shielding itself.  Read more..

Historically, the skin microbiome was a mystery. Early understanding recognized the skin as a host to diverse microorganisms, but their roles were unclear. Research initially focused on pathogens and their link to skin diseases.  Read more..

Skin conditions touch lives universally, sparing no one based on age or background. Getting a swift and right-on-the-money diagnosis is key to keeping our skin happy and healthy. Dermatologists are the MVPs here  Read more..

Welcome to Skincare Scholar, where our mission is to demystify the world of skincare through science-backed education. Today, we’re diving deep into one of the most overlooked yet crucial aspects of skincare,  Read more.